Dr. Jun-ichi Nishizawa

Dr. Jun-ichi Nishizawa


His work seems very unusual, because his work formed some contributing system to the human society. At the beginning, after his invention of pin diode, his work spread to form energy supply system through the connection of high speed and high power SIT family, or the line-up of SI Thyristor, transformer and pin diode works just for the voltage control in DC power sending line with total loss of only 3 percent. By the way, these three equipment are only three those have the operating loss of less than one percent in the equipment, which we human beings ever have had.

He invented two of three. And as the result, electric power can be send over 10,000 Km using such kind of new devices invented by himself. In the mean time he also invented ion implantation and also found the real operating mechanism of FET, correcting the idea of Prof. W. Shockley.

In the second occasion, after the invention of pin diode which also shows extraordinary nice device to convert photo energy into electricity and is spread into the idea of APD, then he found the large possibility to realize the semiconductor laser in 1957, which was the earliest compared with any publication. Only not published notes by Prof. Neumann were sent to Prof. Teller a little bit before and also he wrote in his diary "it has some possibility, but might be unrealizable because of the loss by the photon by the charge carrier absorption."

  And after just 5 years in 1963, 4 laboratories nearly in the same time, published the success, he was so much disappointed and pronounced the next items he want to do;
1: Improvement of GaAs crystals
2: Application of optical fiber for the communication
3: Generation of THz wave by utilizing the lattice and molecular resonance
The improvement of bulk GaAs and others to stabilize the devices for optical communication succeeded so well and efficiency of LED was improved roughly about 100 time higher.

2nd, focussing optical fiber line with higher refractive index region nearly in the center to avoid the leakage of optical energy from the surface, and it handed over included the surface wave mode, and analysis was handed over supervising to his new staff to realize the earlier sitting for the assistant professorship. Therefore, patent application was 2 years earlier by the publications of their analyzing paper only in the case of GRIN type fiber. But with the idea of fiber communication, three most important basic devices were all invented by him, to form information technology networks, which is already forming the large part of the society and culture of 21st century.

Finally, third idea of 1963; generation of THz electromagnetic wave utilizing lattice or molecular vibration succeeded in 1983, Prof. Suto measured the generation of 13 THz by the use of Raman effect with him, and in 1990, he was asked to manage the new laboratories supported by RIKEN and following his orientation to concentrate the research project in the field of optical wave especially THz wave the research laboratory was named as Photodynamics Research Center and from 1998; Prof. H. Ito and Dr. K. Kawase both were invited to the Photodynamics Research Center to realize the generation of THz wave utilizing the seeded parametric excitation of lattice vibrations of MgO:LiNbO3 in 2000 and succeeded to vary the frequency. He instantaneously supervised to apply for the measurement of large bio-molecules and others for the study and detection of bacterium and medical treatment.

To start the project, he supervised Dr. Kawase to measure the absorption spectrum of some molecules and Dr. Kawase published the fine spectrum of water vapor as the beginning of the pioneering the field, which can be also expected to identify cancer and injected medical can react with cancered molecular selectively, as if the specified absorlising frequency is projected in the same time, which was also reported in 2001 in the conference. Also, he has recently succeeded in generation of widely frequency-tunable high-power THz waves via parametric excitation of lattice vibrations in a semiconductor GaP. Now he seems to start to construct third network to keep security for all human beings.
